Live Your True Heart And Respect All
Hi, I'm Liane or Annie. I didn't create originally was a name my sister in law gifted me for my first character in World of Warcraft. I identified with it as some magical aspect of myself that I could be and escape from the real world. Over time I lost myself and found myself in a deep, dark place. In an attempt to feel better, I started questioning things and started exploring energy healing. I've come to accept that I'm a celestial being that has forgotten everything and that I'm here to experience...and ultimately I'd like to experience things that make my heart sing and bring me joy and contentment. Bringing my magical self out to the world, I realized, LYTHARA was not a name but a way I try to live by...
Live Your True Heart And Respect All
Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy
- Certified Crystal Practitioner
- Advanced Crystal Master
Upper Clarity Stone Medicine
- Making Stone Elixirs and Formularies
- Stones for the 8 Extraordinary Meridians
- Temple of Stone
- Transmuting Entities with the Cosmic Dragons of the One
- Enter the Cave
Primordial Goddess Healing
- Merlin Vortex Wheel
- Colour Mirrors Practitioner